
leetshield have provided some of the largest commercial vehicle fleets in the UK with bespoke and specialist conversions to suit customer needs and requirements. Having a large vehicle storage compound, Fleetshield can convert over 100 vehicles at any one time across a multiple of different companies, specifications and vehicles.

As a manufacturer recognised company Fleetshield can take in vehicles directly from the manufacturers factories and undertake Pre Delivery Inspections (P.D.I.) and carry out any necessary work required to get the vehicles on the road as soon as possible.

Once the vehicles are complete they can be transported directly to the end customer and be ready to get straight onto the road.

Aftercare is very much a part of the whole process and customers will be supported promptly and efficiently with expert knowledge


United Kingdom

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Mailing Address

Route4Me, Inc.
1010 N. Florida Ave
Tampa, FL 33602

New Customers

Toll Free: +1-888-552-9045

Existing Customers

Toll Free: +1-855-768-8344